CLIENT: SNC-Lavalin and Pomerleau
STATUS: estimated completed date – november, 2021.
Formwork and concrete placement at Leitrim, Walkley stations as well as the Train wash and Inspection Buildings in the Walkley Maintenance Yard. Project includes large architectural concrete walls, finished floor slabs for train platform and station concourse areas, as well as mechanical rooms & cast in place concrete stairs.
project hightlights:
When SNC found the project behind schedule, they reached out to Pennecon to provide craft and staff labour from Newfoundland and Labrador to support the already strained local markets and their GC, Pomerleau. Our mandate is to accelerate the current schedules for three stations while providing excellent quality and superior safety over the current contractors. The Pennecon team is finding ways to add value in all parts of the project as we integrate our teams with the Pomerleau and SNC staff. We currently have over 100 craft and staff employed on this project with an estimated completion date of late November.